Monday, 31 December 2012

#56 Happy Birthday To Me.... :D


So here it is, New Years Eve, a time to start thinking of the year to come and reflect on the past year. Also for me it means....presents! :D Hehehe!

I was lucky enough to add another cross stitch item to my stash thanks to my other half....another Gorjuss girl :D I had a sneaky suspicion I might get this one as he did point it out himself and said he liked it :)

I Found My Family

Also another Christmas gift arrived in my email Thanks to Santa's Elves - I have no idea who you are but if you read this...Thank You! 

Mini So Many Books So Little Time
I see my collection growing and growing, when will I ever get time to stitch them all?? But I suppose I am another year closer to my retirement so I need to build my stash for then ;) Hehe.

I also got some money for my Birthday so I may treat myself to a thing or this space... ;)

You may have noticed my blog's appearance has changed. I'm still not completely happy with it, a few more tweeks here and there maybe.

I hope you all have a great new year and enjoy yourselves tonight - see you all in 2013!!

Emma xo


  1. Love the spangler chart! Happy birthday and happy new year too!

  2. Happy Birthday & Happy New Year!!! Like the New Look too :)

  3. Hi, Emma; Happy Bday and Happy New Year. All the best in 2013! L, x

  4. Happy birthday sweetie! :D
    And Happy 2013!!! ƪ(ˆ◡ˆ)ʃ*

  5. Happy Birthday! I'm a New Year Eve's baby as well. Great new stash:)

  6. Happy New Year and a very Happy Birthday too. What a wonderful day to have been born on, always lots of parties to celebrate your special day.

  7. Congratulations on your Birthday. Hope all your dreams come true.

    Wish you a very happy New Year too.

    The new face of your blog is lovely :))

  8. Happy new year.Hope you had a great Birthday.x

  9. ho so sorry to have missed this post :-/
    happy birthday a bit late.... =)
    lot's of happy things for you at the Xmas period =)
    big hugs

  10. Happy New Birthday to you! Great stash enhancements; what a pleasant way to start the new year. :D

  11. i was a little behind on my blog readings, so i didn't knew it was your birthday....i'm so sorry! But i guess its never too late to congratulate you!! And wish you all the best in this new year!!;)

    you had very cute gifts! I'm also doing a Gorjuss girl...the one she stands on a few's taking me a while but its one of my goals this year: to end it until february!!;)

    Kisses and hugs!;)
