Saturday, 22 September 2012

#31 SAL time!

This week I have signed up for two SALs! I rather excited as I have never done one before so hoping it will be fun :)

The first is been hosted by Fiore and is a year long SAL for Mirabilia Dressmaker's Daughter. Sign up is still available if you would like to join!

The second is something smaller which is hosted by Agneta for some Christmas Gingerbread men - how cute!

So I think this afternoon will be spent doing some shopping for the materials then getting on with something else until they arrive - what that will be yet, I don't know. I will update tomorrow though once I decide!

Emma xo


  1. Hi Emma

    I'm doing the gingerbread sal too!
    Your other sal looks lovely too!
    Happy weekend.

    1. :D that's great to hear! I order everything I needed for the gingerbread men this afternoon, my longest debate was on which buttons to use, haha :D

  2. I love the Dressmaker's Daughter, but I couldn't believe how much it cost to kit up, so I'm putting off starting it for a while. i do want to stitch it as some point though!

    1. Oh I know I thought exactly the same! So I have so far bought the fabric and the pattern. Once I get these I am going to buy the threads season by season as such, then get the beads later. I'm hoping doing it this way will break the cost down a bit so I don't feel quite so guilty!

  3. Have fun with your new Sal's!! I love those gingerbread men! Super cute!!

  4. Look forward to seeing your progress on your SALs.

  5. That Mirabilia is gorgeous! So feminine =)
    And the second SAL is so cute!! I love gingerbreads :D but I have too much to stitch already, can't sign up for any SAL right now :p But I'll follow your progress here!! :D

  6. OOOOH!!!! I am looking forward to seeing your WIPs on these, Emma. :D
