Saturday, 11 August 2012

#16 Sea Babies Finish!

Hooray! Sea Babies are finally complete!

All four got stitched up and are now ready and packed to be sent off to the charity to get made up in to a quilt - have to say I love these little characters and hopefully another Sea Babies quilt will be done next year so I can do some more.

 Sadly these past two week I have got hardly any stitching done with the distraction of the Olympics. I must admit I have got caught up in all the excitement, even more so since team GB have done so well!

HEAD also provided a distraction thanks to their 50% "stash enhancement" sale. In the end I ended up with another four charts added to my collect. When I will get time to stitch them all I have no idea but who can say no 50% off?!

The sale ends 12pm tonight (USA time, which coast I am not sure though) so go head over quick to make the most of it! (Click Here)

Until next time



  1. Those are adorable! Which charity do you stitch for?

    1. Thank you! It is a group on facebook who make quilts for children in England and overseas.

  2. Maud has just finished the whole of Sea Babies, thought you'd like to see it:

  3. Cuteness overload!! Heheheh
    All sooooooo adorable :) congrats on your stitching!

  4. The sea babies are sooooo cute! They will make a lovely quilt. Great bargains for the HAED, but I'll have to live to about 150 to finish everything I already have without getting any more!!! :)
