Monday, 10 December 2012

#52 It was all going so well...

First, hello and welcome to my two new followers, Holly and Nicola, I hope you enjoy your stay in my little blogging world, and of course to the rest of you thank you for your comments, you know how much they are appreciated!

So how is everyone doing? All ready for Christmas? I had great plans this weekend of plenty of present wrapping, shopping and most importantly stitching! :D Did it happen? No!!

Not one single stitch, no shopping and only about three presents wrapped, I wasn't feeling great so most of Saturday afternoon and Sunday were spent in bed - so much for enjoying my peaceful weekend! But, I am feeling better now and I have a busy week ahead!

But, the post man was kind to me at least, 50 skeins of thread arrived on Friday so guess what I will be doing tonight...bobbinating! (I love that word!)

These are mainly for my projects for next year and a few extra thrown in for good measure.

Well, tomorrow me and the other half are over in Manchester to see The Black Keys in concert, Wednesday is shopping day as we are  both off work and then Thursday is Secret Santa/Buffet day at work so busy busy busy.

I hope you all have a great week :)

Emma xo


  1. Good luck with getting ready for it all - I don't feel all that ready either! Sometimes you just need to have a blah weekend!

    1. Well I think I got most of it done today - hurray! Just need to wrap it all now...

  2. It is a nice post Emma :))
    Threads look great!
    Seems tomorrow is the day for more fun!Enjoy :)

    1. Thanks Nurdan, I had a lot of fun and got all my Christmas shopping done too I think! :)

  3. I too love the word bobbinating. I am panicing as I have nineteen staying next weekend for an early Christmas celebration and nothing has been done yet !!!

    1. 19?! Wow!! I stress enough when it is just the two of us! I don't think I would be able to cope...good luck! x

  4. I love receiving threads, fabrics and patterns by mail, it's a great day when it happens. I did't anything for Chistmas by now. Too busy to do it!
    I'm so curious to know your stitching projects for 2013.

    1. Anything in the mail is always nice I think (other than bills of course!) You can see everything I plan to do at the top of my blog there is a tab :)

  5. late , late late as usual
    I think I have too long lists, especially at Xmas, but I'll turn on the turbo =D
    We are only the 11th =D
    Good you're preparing for next year too =)
    big hugs

  6. So happy you are feeling better.
    Enjoy your week.
    Lovely threads what could be better, hugs.

    1. Thanks, a busy week but an enjoyable one! :) x

  7. so glad you are feeling better..
    love for you x

  8. Have fun "bobinating" (it is a nice word! :))

  9. Hello

    I came accross your blog on Random Ramblings.

    Those threads look lovely, enjoy your bobbinating!
    Your blog has some great stitching.
    I hope you enjoy your week.

    1. Hi Emily, welcome to my little bloggy world :)

      Thanks, it has been a fun week so far :)

  10. Wow!:)
    I love bobbinating,too.:)

  11. Oh don't even ask me about that.. I'm so behind on everything this year =/ But I know I couldn't do better, I couldn't avoid being sick =( but I'm getting better.. I hope I am! LOL Not 100% yet but going there ;) this weekend I hope to put all gifts wrapped under the tree! :)

    Enjoy your bobbinating time :D hahahahahah
