Sunday, 26 August 2012

#22 Something Simple

Once again thank you for all your kind comments!

If you are a follower of my blog but I am not a follower of yours please leave a comment - I love to read what everyone else is doing, gives me inspiration!

Today I was feeling sort of lazy and so I decided to stitch up a couple of squares for the charity group I am a member of on Facebook. They are pretty quick and simple to do so managed to get two done. I will send them off once I get the threads for two other squares I have committed to which are Disney ones - I love Disney :D

About an hour ago I had a phone call from my Brother, I worried a little as he never calls so late, but turned out it was good news - he and his girlfriend got engaged! :D I am so happy for them, it was a complete suprise to me as they have been together so long I had come to the conclusion they were happy just as they were and had no plans to marry.

So that means a wedding next year - I will have to start thinking of a gift and my goodness the diet starts now!

I hope everyone who isn't at work tomorrow due to the bank holiday has a great day of stitching ahead!

Emma xo


  1. Congratulations on the engagement :) I wish endless happiness to the young couple!

    The birds look happy too! It is a lovely pattern indeed!

    A happy Monday and happy stitching!

  2. Congratulations!! :D
    Your stitching looks lovely =)
